How Do I Know What Real Contractions Feel like

How Do I Know What Real Contractions Feel like

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If you`re pregnant, one of the questions you may be asking yourself is, «how do I know what real contractions feel like?» Contractions are a sign that labor is beginning, but how can you tell the difference between real contractions and false labor pains? In this article, we`ll go over some of the signs and symptoms of real contractions, so you can be prepared for when the time comes.

First of all, real contractions are regular. They may start out feeling like mild menstrual cramps, but they will gradually become more frequent and stronger. You may notice that they come in a pattern, such as every five or ten minutes, and that they last for about 30 to 60 seconds each. These are the kinds of contractions that you need to pay attention to.

Another sign that you`re experiencing real contractions is that they`ll become more intense over time. They`ll start out feeling like a mild tightening in your abdomen, but they`ll gradually become stronger and more uncomfortable. You may also feel a pressure in your lower back, and your cervix may begin to dilate.

Real contractions are also painful. While they may not feel like unbearable pain, they will be uncomfortable enough that you`ll need to stop whatever you`re doing and focus on your breathing. You may also feel the need to move around or change positions to find some relief.

It`s worth noting that not all women experience real contractions in the same way. Some women may feel more pain in their back than in their abdomen, while others may experience contractions that start in their lower abdomen and radiate outwards. The important thing is to pay attention to your body and take note of any new or unusual sensations.

If you`re unsure whether you`re experiencing real contractions or false labor pains, there are a few things you can do to help figure it out. Try drinking a glass of water and lying down for a little while. If the contractions stop or ease up, it was likely just false labor. However, if they continue and become more intense, it`s a sign that labor is beginning.

In conclusion, real contractions are regular, increasingly intense, and painful. They`ll start out feeling like mild menstrual cramps, but they`ll gradually become stronger and more uncomfortable. If you`re unsure whether you`re experiencing real contractions or false labor pains, try drinking a glass of water and lying down for a little while. Remember to trust your instincts and pay attention to your body. Good luck!